Welcome To Cannabis Professional

This is a community where we connect the cannabis curious and cannabis aficionados with professionally trained Private Budtenders sharing their expertise to connect you with local cannabis product available right now.

Which One Are You?

Cannabis Connoisseur?

If you want to get more dialed into a specific cannabis experience based on your past experiences, we can help.

Cannabis Curious?

If you have no or limited experience we can help you find the right product for your perfect cannabis experience.

Cannabis For Medical Use

If you're looking to have cannabis to help with a medical condition or concern, we can offer some direction.

Want To Be A Private Budtender?

  • Work From Anywhere

  • Potential to earn $40 per hour

  • Leverage your knowledge

We're looking for professionally trained budtenders with 15 months or more of experience to join out network.

Email : support@cannabisprofessional.com

Phone : (516) 784-4840